About Us

Welcome to Proactive Version

In some moments, we need someone to tell us what to do and how to do it. If you’ve been through something and overcame it, sharing how you overcame that situation will help a person going through the same situation overcome it.

I do understand that phenomenon clearly. I had a pretty rough childhood.

If everyone who has the knowledge and experience can guide others, what makes the post I write stand out?

From all the knowledge I got from reading psychology books and the things, I learned from engaging in deep talks with many people. I learned something important regarding what you need to guide others well.

Everyone can guide others, but they guide others based on their perspective in life which is good but doesn’t help everyone. In this blog, I focus on my guidance in a way that can help everyone. Researching the topic and adding my own unique touch.

I realized that when working toward a certain goal, we will face both emotional and mental resistance that will try to stop us.

It’s by breaking through that resistance that we become proud and confident in ourselves.

Quotes may help in overcoming mental resistance, but when there’s an article or a video that explains the situation and how to overcome it. Any resistance won’t be a big thread.

Proactive Version Goals

Help people overcome both mental and emotional resistance when chasing their goals. 

Learn more about motivation and how to keep and use it.

Give a unique perspective to difficult problems and better solutions.

Staying motivated and being disciplined when chasing a goal is important. Just like you and I have goals, we also want to become the best version of ourselves. We appreciate you taking the time to read about us. Break the resistance and achieve the goal. 

Thank you for reading about us. If you want to reach out email the team directly contact@proactiveversion.com or me rick@proactiveversion.com